My first book, written by David Davis is now available for pre-order through Amazon or you can fill out the publisher form to get a reminder about the September 30th release date!
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from Candace Illustration. Make your own badge here.
Sites for Illustrators
The Art List - Monthly e-Newsletter and searchable database listing upcoming Art Contests, Art Competitions, and Opportunities for visual artists and photographers.
Super sharp looking!!!! Big Thumbs up to you and congrats!!!
Awesome, what a fantastic cow! :)
Look at you, Miss Big Time Illustrator! YAY!!!
Although, um, are they going to fix the spelling of your name on the cover? :(
yeah! My editor didnt have time to proof read the catalog, but when it actually went to print, it was corrected! Thankfully!!!
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