Saturday, April 09, 2011

Good Things Come in Small Packages

{The little package I received, 2011}
{Pin by Jenn, 2011}
{Fabric Ring by Jenn, 2011}
{Flower Hair Clip by Jenn, 2011}
{Flower Hair Clip by Jenn, 2011}
My new niece (by marriage but the family tree is too confusing to delve into) sent me this sweet little package earlier this week. It contained a few of my very favorite things; flowers, accessories and a pretty little touch of patriotism. Her husband is currently serving in the United States Marines and my husband is a Marine Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. (this is only the first of several parallels that seem to link us.) Jenn is a creator, a thrifter, and seems to share a similar sense of humor. I met her for the first time during Christmas because geographical locations make regular visits impossible. I instantly liked her and I think she is such a wonderful addition to the family! Check out her blog: Jenn Camling Blog I think you'll like it! Her spirit and honesty really shines through.


Unknown said...

OOOHHH Candace! thank you!! I'm really glad you liked your package! I hope it put a smile on your face!

Jami said...

Thank you for linking up to the Pretty Packages have some beautiful things!