Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sewing Projects Sneak Peek

{Partially Painted Doll Face, 2010}
{Doll Parts, 2010}
{Beginning Painting Stages of Plush, 2010}
I thought I would share some of the craftier projects I have been working on in my studio lately. I'm between projects right now (but have some promising things in the works) so whenever I am in this position I always try to do something that is still creative, but a little different. Combining sewing with painting has been fun and working 3-D is a welcome challenge. I promise to show my doll and plush toy once I have finished them.


Sara Burrier said...

OOOOoooooOOooooOOOOooooooOOoo. hehe ;)

Willie Baronet said...

those are quite groovy!!